Speaking programs
Let’s talk about health… yours and the planet’s.Your Health, Earth Health
Improve your Life... and the Life of our Planet
Michele can work with you to ensure that your group gets the most out of your seminar!
Toting high-energy and fresh ideas, Michele will help make the most of group presentations! A world-class motivator, she will bring high energy and knowledge to make your seminar or workshop a success.
Her talks are perfect for everyone: Conferences, Conventions, Events, Formal Events, Sales Groups, Industry Groups, Technical Groups, Corporate Offices, Universities, Private and Public Schools, Non-Profits, Women’s Groups, Worship Groups, Men, Women, Seniors, Baby Boomers, Teens/Tweens and kiddies too!
What is your venue? Michele has illuminated stages and delighted audiences both indoors and outdoors at beaches, churches, community centers, fairs, festivals, fundraising events, gardens, hospitals, meetings, music venues, parks, stages, temples, theatres, wedding venues and more.
Michele has an uncanny ability to connect with and motivate anyone with her inspiring stories and easy-to-follow routines.

Michele is an incredibly powerful and motivational speaker. I really enjoy listening to her speak and every time, I learn more and feel even better about my personal health and wellness.
– Robin Kellogg, Robin Kellogg Associates
Master of Ceremonies

Keynote Presentations
Michele will write/create a custom presentation to fit your group’s personality and needs. Her presentations are about YOUR audience. Michele is a human hub of melting pots and experiences.
Michele has over 30 years of experience speaking to Telecom/Engineering companies; she speaks and understands many complex emerging technologies and their terminology.
Michele has traveled, which delights audiences with personal connections to their cultures. Michele has also worked in a doctor’s world and understands hospital, medical and anatomical terminology. Michele is a lifetime naturalist with a marine biology background who enjoys identifying wildlife, and speaking about their fascinating behavior.
Michele is a foodie and understands how talking about flavors makes people light up. Michele speaks English, some Spanish, and is quick to celebrate many other language’s respectful and polite greetings too.
As a result of rising healthcare costs, more companies today are working with Michele the Trainer to Speak and/or institute simple workplace wellness programs. Productivity increases and absenteeism decreases, which lowers healthcare costs as employees begin to make healthier lifestyle choices. Michele can deliver the cost effective and time efficient solutions to achieve these goals quickly.
- 5 Ways of Wellness
Discover 5 of the many secrets Michele uses to increase productivity and sales and decrease workplace absences. Plant these 5 seeds now and you’ll cultivate energy and vitality that breathes new life into you and your business! You’ll leave this motivating talk inspired to integrate Michele’s 5 Ways of Wellness into your daily life. - Fitness over Forty!
Keep your mentors more motivated at work and more productive longer! Learn the secrets of Michele the Trainer’s unique and affordable exercise training and wellness program designed specifically for adults. You’ll take control of your prevention and health as Michele reveals why Fitness over 40 is imperative for our longevity and mobility. Invite your team to this groundbreaking talk so they can increase sales and confidence by building stamina and strength, gaining flexibility, learning functional fall prevention, and improving balance and posture. Remember: The habits we cultivate today boost morale and productivity forever! - 3 Ways to Find the Time to Take Care of YOU!
Can’t find the time to work out? Don’t let lack of time cost you or your company serious time, money and productivity! Discover how to find 30 minutes to one hour per day for YOU ─ right now! We all know what to do, but we can’t seem to find the time to do it.In this inspiring talk, Michele the Trainer shows how to plan, prioritize, and focus to find time. Together you will reveal the secrets of using that time to maintain your #1 vehicle, your body!
- 5 Ways of Wellness
Seasonal / Theme Custom Topics
New Year New You; How to Maintain Fitness, Lifestyle and Wellness Personally and Professionally
Want to fire up and educate an audience? Review the 3 M’s of Michele the Trainer; Motivation, Movement and Mindset with some new topics for the new year. Plenty of ideas to increase energy and confidence Personally and Professionally. This program boasts plenty of audience interaction!
Efficiency & Productivity
The 3 P’s of Personal Progress
The 3 P’s of Personal Progress; Personal, Productive, Planning is a fusion of Motivation and practical Time Management. Michele was a project manager for many years and is very skilled with Time Management. This talk is laser focused to motivate and help working adults manage to find the time they need to care for themselves and excel in the workplace. This program includes plenty of audience interaction.
Confidence & Empowerment
Michele’s BMC; Be More Confident
Body Image issues holding you back? Learn how to combat negative self talk and get in the confident MINDSET. Be who you’re supposed to be and have the confidence to live your dream or speak your message. Michele can teach and inspire confidence in audience or small groups for life in general, auditions, speaking or even for a teen/tween going off to college
Your Health, Earth Health
Learn how Mother Nature and Mother Ocean offer us a free observable valuable education in self-care.
Our health is connected to the health of our planet! Our planet constantly contributes to our physical and mental health.
Review simple examples of how we can interact and integrate nature into our everyday lives to improve our health and wellbeing.
Do you want to reach everyone everywhere all at once?
Virtual Keynote Speaking with Michele the Trainer is a dynamic innovative way to deliver powerful messages and inspire positive change globally. Deliver motivation and productivity to your audiences around the world. Michele can increase your reach and decrease your travel expenses. Together you can select from various interactive technologies such as live polls and Q&A sessions that will engage audiences by creating a sense of connection. Contact Michele today to plan your virtual meetings and events!
Motivation, Movement and Mindset; Michele’s Signature Talk
Want to fire up and educate an audience? Review the 3 M’s of Michele the Trainer; Motivation, Movement and Mindset. Plenty of ideas to increase energy and confidence Personally and Professionally. This program boasts plenty of audience interaction!
Ocean Protection League Programs
Seeking entertaining education or inspiration about the ocean or the ocean’s inhabitants?
The Ocean, Part 1
Suitable for any age 3 years old to infinity years old.
The Ocean, Part 2, Protecting the Ocean
Suitable for any age 5 years old to infinity years old.
Presentations can include an educational topic, a conservation topic, a geographic topic or specific to an animal or group of animals. Custom presentations upon request.
Michele can speak with personal experience (including in-depth marine biology content if desired) about SCUBA diving with animals such as:
1. Dolphins-including wild Bottlenose, Spinner, Short-Beaked Common Nosed and many more
2. Whales-including Minke and schooling Pilot and many wild surface encounters including Brydes, Fin, Humpback and Orcas
3. Sea Turtles-including Green, Hawksbill, Loggerhead, Kemp’s Ridley
4. Sea Horses-including Pygmy Seahorses
5. Sharks- including Blacktip, Galapagos, Gray, schooling Hammerheads, Nurse, Leopard (Pacific and Australian), Silvertip, Silky, Whitetips, and many more
6. Octopus, including Cuttlefish and Squid
7. California endangered Sea Otters and many other interesting and endangered animals such as endangered Monk Seals, rare Bluefin Tuna, Moray Eels, and many varieties of large rays including giant Oceanic Manta Rays.
Avian interest?
Love birds? Let’s not forget ocean birds and colorful endemic birds too!
Travel Talks
Marketing with Michele
Custom Workshops & Seminars
- Michele will customize her presentation to your group’s needs!
- Interactive activity workshops can be custom created for your goal, purpose, audience, time and budget. Michele has experience with educating and motivating all levels of business from executives, directors, managers, professors, educators, and trainers.